Sidoarjo - The regional leadership of ‘Aisyiyah of Sidoarjo (PDA) will hold Tabligh Akbar as well as the inauguration of PDA Sidoarjo 2010-2015 period, Sunday (3/4/2011) in Pendopo Sidoarjo, East Java. General Treasurer of the Central Executive (PP) “Aisyiyah, Mahsunah Syakir will be the speaker in the agenda which is entitled “Dynamics of the Indonesian Women's Movement for Enlightenment Civilization Nation”.
Meanwhile, Dra. Sri Asih will be inaugurated for the second time as the chairman of PDA Sidoarjo. Since, in Regional Consultation (Musyda) ‘Aisyiyah Sidoarjo which will be held on the last Saturday – Sunday (8-9/1), she is appointed again to lead. Overall participants which are planned to be present in this agenda, according to Administrative staff of PDA Sidoarjo, Nuriko, are about 5000 invitations, including PD Muhammadiyah, ‘Aisyiyah Leaders Area of East Java and the Regent of Sidoarjo.
The Excellence of ‘Aisyiyah Sidoarjo
'Aisyiyah Sidoarjo has two leading charity efforts, namely, the hospital of ‘Aisyiyah Sidoarjo and Cooperative Assakinah which has incorporated, even ever got an award of Cooperative achievers of National Level of 2005 from the Cooperative and UKM Ministry.
Besides that, the cooperative which serves savings and loan, and manages the self-service market also got an award as the cooperative which was succeed in building its members, got UKM award of 2005 from Indonesia University cooperation with City Bank, as the cooperative achievers of East Java of 2005 from Dinas Koperasi Propinsi Jatim, and the cooperative achievers of region level of 2007 from Dinas Kabupaten. (
translated by Neneng Hendriyani