Friday, 07 March 2025


Question from:

Asrir brother, Tenggiri 12/204 South Bekasi 17144



Rukyah Agency and the Department of Religious Hisab set 1 Syawal 1418 H on Friday, January 30, 1998, while Muhammadiyah Hisab Agency set 1 Syawal 1418 H falls on Thursday, January 29, 1998. In connection with the early establishment of Shawwal and also the beginning of the month of Ramadan (Surat al-Baqarah verse 185 and the traditions of rukyatul moon) may I obtain information regarding the following:

1. What is the least visible new moon (rukyatul-moon) is the legal conditions of the early establishment of the new moon? Or in other words, whether 29 or 30 day month of Ramadan (and also the month of Sha'ban) depending on whether or not seen the new moon (crescent moon)?

2. As-Sayid Sabiq in Fiqh as-Sunnah only mentions initial determination by rukyatul new moon of Ramadan, and there is absolutely no mention regarding the determination of the reckoning. Since when is the start of Ramadan earlier determination using the calculation of reckoning and who are its vanguard and based on the results of ijtihad whom?

3. Data and methods of computation differ from astronomical data and methods, results have to be different. Similarly, data and methods of computation that one different from the data of other methods of reckoning the result will also be different. Are the data and methods in different reckoning it can return to his roots? And where its base (the source)? Or in other words, is there a source / parent data from all data and methods of computation that was different?

4. Mansuriyah reckoning calculation refers to the data and methods (table) Zaij Sultan Ulugbeik Samarkand (Sulam Nairayain). Data and method of reckoning Muhammadiyah refer to the table who? And where is the base / sumbennya? Do be returned to the data and methods of astronomy? Where the base / source data table Ulugbeik it?

5. Stated that based on the criteria of the moon above the horizon, almost all of the world will spend a highway at 29 Januani 1998. But when using kritenia rukyat, then Indonesia will likely spend a great besan on January 30, 1998. Differences will arise when there are groups who no longer recognize the government (Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Majlis confirmation) as the sole decision maker by making its own announcement (Republika, Tuesday, December 23, 1997, page 6 'Nature Ijtihadiyah Preliminary Determination of Ramadan and the Feast "by Dr. T. Djamaludin). My question: Sah least reckoning calculation does require a martyr / support rukyat results?

6. I-said Imam Shafi-like them (the first to break the fast of Ramadan) holiday in order prayed for themselves and their own congregation, which shut down. I-continued-forbid they prayed that the holiday was openly (prayer book two days in al-Um al-Shafi). What is the purpose of Imam al-Shafi'i saying it?


1. Rukyatul moon, as one way to determine the beginning of the month qamariah. The other way is to get news about rukyat, number of months to fulfill ongoing for 30 days (istikmal) and the calculation / computation. So rukyatul hilal not be the only way to set the beginning of the month.

2. Determination of reckoning begins with the beginning of the month since the Muslims knew of Astronomy, at the time of the Great Successors conducted by schools of Mutraf ibn Syuhair as stated by Ibn Rushd in his book al-Mujtahid Bidayah juz I page 196. In the book it is mentioned: "When the moon is difficult to observe the restraints is the result of reckoning, which is the result of calculation of the circulation of the Moon and the Sun. The basis of this reckoning is the word of God a letter Yunus verse 5:


هُوَ الَّذِي جَعَلَ الشَّمْسَ ضِيَاءً وَالْقَمَرَ نُورًا وَقَدَّرَهُ مَنَازِلَ لِتَعْلَمُوا عَدَدَ السِّنِينَ وَالْحِسَابَ ۚ [يونس (10): 5]


It means: "He who makes the sun shine and the moon glow and set his moon-moon (grounds) for the trip of the month, so that you know the number of years and calculation (time) ..."

3. When the reckoning calculations based on the systems and methods are accurate, the results will not differ, even if there is only on the minutes and seconds. That's because of rounding numbers after the decimal point. At times the differences can be controlled through the tables and formulas that are used. Results reckoning calculations are based on an accurate calculation of the truth that has been tested through the theories and observations, so the results are convincing.

4. Systems and methods of computation used by the Muhammadiyah is based on the book Hisab Urfi and Haqiqy compiled by KH KRT Wardan Diponingrat and developed with a system and method of Newcomb, Brauwn, Jean Meus and theories of modern astronorni another. The method developed by Ulug Beik as-Samarkandi was based on Ptolemy who compiled the book Tabril Majesti. The book has been abandoned because people still adhered to the geocentric theory. Now people have held the heliocentric.

5. The result is to hold reckoning when the moon is difficult diobservir is legitimate based on the word of God in Jonah letter paragraph 5 above and the Prophet narrated al-Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah:


فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاقْدُرُوْالَهُ [رواه البخاري ومسلم]


It means: "When the moon was blocked for dirukyat kadarkanlah."

6. The purpose of Imam al-Shafi'i saying is anyone who spend a holiday in advance so that bersalat Iedul Mubarak secretly, not implemented at the frontal. This remark is the policy of Imam al-Shafi'i as a priest of his followers. Muhammadiyah But hold on a rule which has been determined in Congress and has been running for years. So there is no necessity to change kaedahnya not been held during the change.


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