Question From:
Br. Sukarlin Tahuni, nbm. 643 832,
Watusalam V/196 RT 06, RW III Buaran, Pekalongan
1. In the newspaper Suara Merdeka, Semarang Wednesday 4 Februani 1998 edition have any posts include: "Reflections on Two Stipulation 1 Syawal Ulil Amri and arrogance of the Organization". Its contents include: "Do you have to pray Eid on Thursday, January 29 as determined PP Muhammadiyah or January 30 as the determination of the Government ...."
At the time of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab, Umar has decided the fasting enhanced 30 days, all of a sudden (on 29 nights or night 30) came a Bedouin who reported he saw the moon (hilal). What Omar response? He asked the Bedouin was not to tell the others, but he should not fast the next day or continued until 30 days fasting and prayers iednya course together.
2. I recall at the time of the Prophet never happen reports (of Ummah) to see the new moon of Ramadan and the report dated 3o it up to the front of the Holy Prophet about 11:00 (before Duhur). The Prophet ordered Bilal to announce the 30th Ramadan fasting for canceled (because it turns out the 1st of Shawwal) and iednya prayers tomorrow (meaning the 2nd of Shawwal).
My question, Afternoon Companions Umar ibn al-Khattab is strong or not? Because contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Asar Sahabi was just a legal basis that is alternative, meaning may choose whether to follow the opinion of Umar, Abu Bakr, Alii, Aisha, and so on from that argument corresponds to the Qur'an and Hadith. Asar that you bring a source of uptake was not mentioned so it is difficult to investigate the truth. In Asar that you bring it smells weakness, namely 'Umar asked Bedouin did not tell the others ", is it true that Umar asked for people to hide the truth? We agree with your question that Asar is contrary to the sunnah of the Messenger.