Friday, 07 March 2025


Question From:

Bapak Sarju, Ketua Takmir Masjid al-Istighfar Mandungan,

Srimartani, Piyungan, Yogyakarta



Please explain about the correct direction for Salat Qiblat our mosques, since there are two Arabic qiblat that we found as follows:

1. In a book written by Shams Sumarjo Kemuhammadiyahan 1967 page 4, is 24.5 º.

2. In a book written by Muhtar Hamroni Kemuhammadiyahan 1968 page 32, is 24.5 º.

3. Books Kemuhammadiyahan As Islamic Movement essay Drs. Musthofa Kamal and Drs. Joseph Chusnan 1988, page 25 Qiblatnya direction is 22 º.

Explanation of PP Muhammadiyah Majlis Legal Affairs Committee of Direction Qiblat right, so we are waiting.


Honourable Speaker Takmir Masjid al-Istighfar Mandungan Srimartani Piyungan Bantul; Qibla direction that you mention in your letter is the angle of Qibla direction from the point of the West or East-West direction. To find out the Qibla direction angle is accurately required geographical data location / place that accurately marked with latitude (f) and longitude (a) place. Unfortunately we have not had time to do research on the geographical location of the Masjid al-Istighfar. However, to determine the Qibla direction can be roughly compared with the adjacent locations of known geographic data. On this occasion we will show you the Qibla direction angle for the three locations, namely Kotagede, Prambanan and Wonosari.

Kotagede with the latitude where the -07 º 50 'and longitude where the 110 º 25' east longitude, direction kiblatnya 24 º 42 '26.34''rounded off 24 º 42'. Prambanan with the latitude where the -07 º 45 'and longitude where the 110 º 29' east longitude, direction kiblatnya 24 º 40 '15.10''rounded off 24 º 40'. Wonosari with the latitude where the -07 º 58 'and longitude where the 110 º 35' east longitude, direction kiblatnya 24 º 41 '53.37''rounded off 24 º 42'. With Qibla direction angle data for the three locations, you would have to estimate the angle direction of Qibla Masjid al-Istighfar them.

Further data Qibla direction mentioned in your letter which is closer to the calculation of Qibla direction angle for the three locations mentioned above is that says that the direction of Qibla is the amount of 24.5 º ..

So hopefully our answer to fulfill your expectations.

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