Question From:
Afni Sovia, PC 1RM Tg. Pura, JI. Langkat No. 91 Tg. Pura, Langkat,
Sumatera Utara
I once read a book of Islamic Fiqh Complete, published Thoha Putra Semarang. There is written the prayer beads circumcision complete with the proposition that he wrote from lkrimah and Ibn Abbas (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah in the book sahihnya). I am confused because when flipping through the book turns out in the Legal Affairs Committee Decision Himpinan HPT was not found on voluntary prayer beads these. Therefore, I beg nanny Rubric Religious Fatwas can explain about this and please show a clear arguments.
Regarding circumcision prayer beads have been published in BC some time ago which concluded that the validity of sunna prayer are disputed by scholars of hadith. Therefore, the Majlis Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah not rnencantumkan in HPT. Next we add the following explanation:
1. According to Ibn Mubarak, prayer beads is recommended and should not be ignored.
2. In the book Aunul Ma'bud explained that at-Turmuzi assess hadith rosary prayer is invalid and Ibn Taymiyyah mendaifkannya.
3. Abu Jafar al-Uqaili said that about prayer beads no strong hadith. Similarly, the opinion of Abu Bakr ibn al-'Arabi.
4. Az-Zahabi said that the hadith regarding the prayer beads that evil.
On the basis as mentioned above, our caregivers do not practice religion Rubric Fatwa Hadith Sunnah prayer beads.